Folded Books by Crizu
Lubna Driouech 16 April 2015

Crizu folds pages of old and obsolete books creating sophisticated design sculptures. Fold after fold books are transformed into something new and unexpected, absolute and conceptual. Form, texture and patina make them unique object d’art. All pieces are made in Italy by hand.

Folder Book by Crizu Folder Book by Crizu 

Lubna Driouech Photographer

I’m 23 years old and I live in Milan. I got a degree in Fashion Design and I would like to work as accessories designer. I’m fascinated by the contrasts of our life that I try to report in my projects as designer. Like every years I expect from Milano, Salone del Mobile and mainly from Fuori Salone an amazing week, a great occasion to know new designers, discover new talents, new ideas and to be influenced by them for my future projects. So I’m looking forward to this incredible experience that is the Design Week.

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