Involucri by De Ponte Studio @Lambrate
Lubna Driouech 17 April 2015

 Involucri is the experience installation made by De Ponte Studio in collaboration with several partners, that is in Lambrate Ventura. With this event De Ponte Studio wants to consider the emerging rules governing Emotional Marketing and Experimental. So they studied vertical and horizontal surface with materials designed to create the most charming surprise, attention, curiosity and awaking of new sensations. Every single sensory perception is solicited by physical qualities of the elements that compose the environment of the booth.

Involucri by De Ponte Studio  IMG_7386  IMG_7243 IMG_7387

Lubna Driouech Photographer

I’m 23 years old and I live in Milan. I got a degree in Fashion Design and I would like to work as accessories designer. I’m fascinated by the contrasts of our life that I try to report in my projects as designer. Like every years I expect from Milano, Salone del Mobile and mainly from Fuori Salone an amazing week, a great occasion to know new designers, discover new talents, new ideas and to be influenced by them for my future projects. So I’m looking forward to this incredible experience that is the Design Week.

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