
19 April 2015
// MARNI \\ Mercado de Paloquemao premium
Marni showroom will turn into colorful fruit market! Inspired by the homonymous market of Bogotà, Marni proposes an installation where main protagonists are the bold colours of the exotic fruits from a faraway land, their shapes and interpretation. The limited edition of objects and furnishings was entirely handmade in Colombia, involving a group of women […]
Giulia Rossetti
15 April 2015
Undefined Objects premium
These objects are designed by Romin Heide. The Undefined objects pieces are stacked and assembled in various ways. This makes different possibilities for use of these undefined objects.
Hyuen-Hee Seo
15 April 2015
PAOLA C. // TABLE JOY by Aldo and Matteo Cibic premium
  A different way of seeing and interpreting objects. Diversity and affinity. What unites Aldo and Matteo is the desire to produce objects that somehow seem to exist always, come to us spontaneously through time and fashions. Colorful and a bit ‘anarchist family of objects for the table, they are vases, jugs, bowls and raised that […]
Giulia Rossetti