Ummpä Lounge Chäir – smart, modulable and practical
Michael Kuoch 19 April 2015

Today at SaloneSatelite we met this young talent, Mohd Sujak Hasbollah, exposing some of his new design objects, including a pink modulable chair.

This Lounge chair is mean to be an art product by itself, while keeping the full functionnality and modularity of the object.

The side of the chair smartly hides a small table that can be easily pulled out to work with a laptop, tablet of files. The chair’s back can also be take off, facilitating the transport and storage.

A perfect solution for short period seating and working in open spaces.




Michael Kuoch Art Director

I was born in Paris and I live in Switzerland. I did a Bachelor in Industrial Design Engineering, major in Ergonomic Design. Luxury design and watches are my passions and from Creative Academy I expect to learn more about the luxury world and the Richemont’s Maisons. Milan is a beautiful city which I hope to discover over these 7 months. During the Salone Internazionale del Mobile, I hope to see and discover innovating design and materials and to meet creative people from all around the world.

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