18 April 2015
Next Big Thing: Nebbia Interactive Light premium
The Nebbia Interactive Light, created by nbt.STUDIO, is a perfect example of reuse & recycling products. Founder & Design Director Henry K.T. Hsiao enthusiastically explained that the light was created out of discarded TV sets, specifically a single TV. It is stripped down to the thin screen sheets, which are formed into a faceted pattern, and the […]
Eunice Park
14 April 2015
LibriBianchi – Writing a New Story premium
When first walking into SLOBS Casa, there is a unique ambience about the venue that draws your attention. In every room there are beautiful displays of crafts & products of exceptional quality from Italian artisan-artists. Decorating one of the walls are works of LibriBianchi by Lorenzo Perrone. After speaking to Lorenzo Perrone himself, his vision regarding his collection was […]
Eunice Park